Viewing log file contents on Ubuntu Server

ThisisasimpleLogFileViewertoshowanyLogFilebutoptimizedforfileswrittenbytheNLogframework.                         ,IregularlywanttotailthelogfiletowatchitasitstartsuportoseetheloginactionwhenIamtestingsomething.           ,Tailviewerisafreeandacti...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Log File Viewer

This is a simple Log File Viewer to show any Log File but optimized for files written by the NLog framework.                                                  

Tailing Log Files on Windows

I regularly want to tail the log file to watch it as it starts up or to see the log in action when I am testing something.                      

KittyfistoTailviewer: Open source log file viewer

Tailviewer is a free and active open-source log file viewer. Tailviewer is supported on Windows 7, 8 and 10 and requires .NET 4.7.1 or higher.


LogExpert is a Windows tail program (a GUI replacement for the Unix tail command). Summary of (most) features: Tail mode; MDI-Interface with Tabs ... License · ·

Reading Live Logs Tailing in Windows

Hover your mouse over said icon, it will say Monitoring (tail -f). Click this icon to begin viewing the log live as entries are added.

Tailviewer by Kittyfisto

Tailviewer is a log file viewer for Windows that allows you to view text based log files both offline and in real-time. It is easy to use, incredibly fast ...

How to monitor a windows log file in real time? [closed]

On windows how can I easily monitor a log file and see updates to the file in real time? Basically, same functionality like tail -f log_file on Unix systems.


SnakeTail. SnakeTail is a Windows tail utility for monitoring growing text log files. Download Latest Version · Report Bugs and Feature Requests.

Windows log tail viewer [duplicate]

I prefer BareTail and BareTailPro by Bare Metal Soft. You can highlight lines that contain certain strings and it is very quick to get going.

Tail Log Files over SFTP

Looking for a better way to tail log files? LogViewPlus is a professional log viewer that can tail, filter, parse, read and analyze log files in a variety ...


ThisisasimpleLogFileViewertoshowanyLogFilebutoptimizedforfileswrittenbytheNLogframework.                         ,IregularlywanttotailthelogfiletowatchitasitstartsuportoseetheloginactionwhenIamtestingsomething.           ,Tailviewerisafreeandactiveopen-sourcelogfileviewer.TailviewerissupportedonWindows7,8and10andrequires.NET4.7.1orhigher.,LogExpertisaWindowstailprogram(aGUIreplacementfortheUni...